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Support Us

You can support our work to provide access to clean drinking water by donating.
All donations will be used to support the cause of PureDrops. 

Donate via a direct bank transfer to:



c/o Pravar Saran 

Dufourstrasse 50 

9000 St. Gallen 

IBAN: CH84 0078 1615 4654 2200 0












PureDrops is a Swiss Registered Charity Organization.

Your donations will be tax deductible.

Another option is to support PureDrops via GoFundMe:

Twint Big.png

Thanks you for your support!

Every penny you donate can change the life of children in Nepal

If you're interested in sponsoring us, please send us a message at or
+41 078 249 18 08

© 2012-2023 PureDrops | All rights reserved.

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